Professional employment and academic education
2020 | Lecturer at the University of Lübeck |
2015 | Postdoctoral position at the University of Lübeck |
2013 | Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Lübeck |
2012 | PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, CEU San Pablo University, Madrid, Spain |
Research Topics
Analysis of human fluids by NMR:
- Quantification of blood acute-phase inflammation proteins and thereof glycosylation profiles (Proteo-metabolomics).
- Development of new computational tools in metabo-proteomics for clinical purposes.
NMR studies into carbohydrate glycan interactions:
- Identification of mechanisms of glycan metabolism by bacteria inhabiting the human gut microbiome.
- Binding of Norovirus to Histo Blood Group antigens and related glycans found in human tissues and fluids.
Recent Publications
- Mallagaray, A., Rudolph, L., Lindloge, M., Mölbitz, J., Thomsen, H., Schmelter, F., Alhabash, M.W., Abdullah, M.R., Sarei, R., Ehlers, M., Graf, T., Sina, C., Petersmann, A., Nauck, M., Günther, U.L. (2023) Towards a precise NMR quantification of acute phase inflammation proteins from human serum. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202306154.
- Trastoy, B, Du, J.J., Cifuente, J.O., Rudolph, L., García-Alija, M., Klontz, E.H., Deredge, D., Sultana, N., Huynh, C.G., Flowers, M.W., Li, C., Sastre, D.E., Lai-Xi, W., Corzana, F., Mallagaray, A., Sundberg, E.J., Guerin, M.E. (2023) Mechanism of antibody-specific deglycosylation and immune evasion by Streptococcal IgG-specific endoglycosidases. Nature Communications, 14, 1705.
- Creutznacher, R., Schulze-Niemand, E., König, P., Stanojlovic, V., Mallagaray, A., Peters, T., Stein, M., Schbert, M. (2023) Conformational control of fast asparagine deamidation in a norovirus capsid protein. Biochemistry, 62, 1032-1043.
- Maass, T., Ssebyatika, G., Brückner, M., Breckwoldt, L., Krey, T., Mallagaray, A., Peters, T., Frank, M., Creutznacher, R. (2022) Binding of glycans to the SARS CoV-2 spike protein, an open question: NMR data on binding site localization, affinity, and selectivity. Chemistry – A European Journal, e202202614,
- Mühlberg, L., Alarcin, T., Maass, T., Creutznacher, R., Küchler, R., Mallagaray, A. (2022) Ligand-induced structural transitions combined with paramagnetic ions facilitate unambiguous NMR assignments of methyl groups in large proteins. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 76, 59-74.
- Creutznacher, R., Maass, T., Dülfer, J., Feldmann, C., Hartmann, V., Lane, M. S., Knickmann, J., Westermann, L. T., Thiede, L., Smith, T. J., Uetrecht, C., Mallagaray, A., Waudby, C. A., Taube, S., Peters, T. (2022) Distinct dissociation rates of murine and human norovirus P-domain dimers suggest a role of dimer stability in virus-host interactions. Communications Biology, 5, article number 563.
- Peters, T., Creutznacher, R., Maass, T., Mallagaray, A., Ogressik, P., Taube, S., Thiede, L., Uetrecht, C. (2022) Norovirus-glycan interactions – how strong are they really? Biochemical Society Transactions 50, 347-359.
- Khilji, S. K., Goerdeler, F., Frensemeier, F., Warschkau, D., Lühle, J., Fandi, Z., Schirmeister, F., Chen, Z. A., Turak, O., Mallagaray, A., Boerno, S., Timmerman, B., Rappsilber, B., Seeberger, P.H., Moscovitz, O. (2022) Generation of glycan-specific nanobodies. Cell Chemical Biology, 29, 1353-1361.e6.
- Maass T, Westermann LT, Creutznacher R, Mallagaray A, Dülfer J, Uetrecht C, Peters T (2022) Assignment of Ala, Ile, LeuProS, Met and ValProS methyl groups of the protruding domain of murine norovirus capsid protein VP1 using methyl-methyl NOEs, site directed mutagenesis and pesudocontact shifts. Biomolecular NMR Assignments, 16, 97-107.
- Creutznacher, R., Maass, T., Ogressik, P., Wallmann, G., Feldmann, C., Peters, H., Lingemann, M., Taube, S., Peters, T., Mallagaray, A. (2021) NMR experiments shed new light on glycan recognition by human and murine norovirus capsid proteins. Viruses, 13, 416-434.
- Yan, H., Lockhauserbäumer, J., Szekeres, G. P., Mallagaray, A., Creutznacher, R., Taube, S., Peters, T., Pagel, K., Uetrecht, C. (2021) Protein secondary structure affects glycan clustering in native mass spectrometry. Life, 11, 554-568.
- Schmelter, F., Föh, B., Mallagaray, A., Rahmöller, J., Ehlers, M., Lehrian, S., Kopylow, V.v., Künstig, I., Lixenfeld, A.S., Martin, E., Ragab, M., Borsche, M., Balck, A., Vollstedt, E.J., Meyer-Saraei, R., Kreutzmann, F., Eitel, I., Taube, S., Klein, C., Katalinic, A., Rupp, J., Jantzen, E., Graf, T., Sina, C., Günther, U.L. (2021) Metabolic markers distinguish COVID-19 from other intensive care patients and show potential to stratify for disease risk. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
- Dülfer, J., Yan, H., Brodmerkel, M.N., Creutznacher, R., Mallagaray, A., Peters, T., Caleman, C., Marklund, E.G., Uetrecht, C. (2021) Glycan-induced protein dynamics in human norovirus P dimers depend on virus strain and deamidation status. Molecules, 26, 2125-2149.
- Mende, M., Tsouka, A., Heidepriem, J., Paris, G., Mattes, D.S., Eickelmann, S., Bordoni, V., Wawrzinek, R., Fuchsberger, F., Seeberger, P.H., Rademacher, C., Delbianco, M., Mallagaray, A., Loeffler, F.F. (2020) On-Chip Neo-Glycopeptide synthesis for multivalent glycan presentation. Chem. Eur. J., 26, 9954-9963.
- Müller-Hermes, C., Creutznacher, C., Mallagaray, A. (2020) Complete assignment of Ala, Ile, LeuProS, Met and ValProS methyl groups of the protruding domain from human Norovirus GII.4 Saga. Biomolecular NMR Assignments, 14, 123-130.
- Creutznacher, R., Schulze, E., Wallman, G., Peters, T., Stein, M., Mallagaray, A. (2020) Chemical-shift perturbations reflect bile acid binding to Norovirus coat protein: recognition comes in different flavours. ChemBioChem, 21, 1007-1021.
- Mallagaray, A., Creutznacher, R., Dülfer, J., Mayer, P.H.O., Grimm, L.L., Orduña, J.M., Trabjerg, E., Stehle, T., Rand, K.D., Blaum, B.S., Uetrecht, C., Peters, T. (2019) A post-translational modification of human Norovirus capsid protein attenuates glycan binding. Nature Communications, 10, Article number: 1320.
- Bücher, K.S., Yan, H., Creutznacher, R., Ruoff, K., Mallagaray, A., Grafmüller, A., Dirks, J.S., Kilic, T., Weickert, S., Rubailo, A., Drescher, M., Schmidt, S., Hansman, G., Peters, T., Uetrecht, C., Hartmann, L. (2018) Fucose-functionalized precision glycomacromolecules targeting human norovirus capsid protein, BioMacromolecules, 19, 3714-3724.
Cooperation partner
Eric J. Sundberg (Emory University School of Medicine, USA)
Dr. Alvaro Mallagaray

Building 61, Room 305
Email: alvaro.mallagaraydebenito(at)
Phone: +49 451 3101-3315